Friday, May 7, 2010

Rice Sevai

Thanks to these modern days of instant sevai, this recipe is almost lost. Hardly anyone every makes this except the old puritans who insist that this is better both in terms of texture and taste.


  • Salem boiled rice - 3 cups
  • Water
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Sesame seed oil - 1 tbsp


  • Wash and soak rice overnight.
  • Grind into a fine watery paste.
  • In a pan, pour 1 cup water, sesame seed oil and salt. When it boils, pour the batter into it and stir continuously until it becomes a thick paste. Take care to avoid lumps.
  • Cool. Make egg shaped balls as shown in the picture and place in the idli plate for steaming.
  • Steam for about 20 - 25 minutes. The balls are done if they are not sticky.
  • When hot, put into the sevai press and make the sevai.
  • Put 1 tsp oil over it and cool.
  • When completely cool, they can be cut into smaller strings and used for making coconut sevai, lemon sevai, curd sevai, tomato sevai, puli sevai, etc (refer recipes in the blog).

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